MHz Choice has announced its June 2021 slate, which includes Chilean drama Caravan of Death, Russian thriller Sekta, and German war drama Turncoat.
Russian Thriller ‘Sekta’ & German Drama ‘Turncoat’ Topline MHz Choice June 2021 Schedule

MHz Choice has announced its June 2021 slate, which includes Chilean drama Caravan of Death, Russian thriller Sekta, and German war drama Turncoat.
For your Euro TV viewing this weekend, I highly recommend the award-winning Russian drama An Ordinary Woman (Obychnaya zhenshchina).
April brings the US premieres of 32 new Euro TV series, seasons, and films from 14 countries, plus additional linear TV and streaming debuts, and more besides!
February 2021 has more US premieres of Euro TV titles than it has days in the month — a whopping 30 new series, seasons, specials, and films/TV movies.
Bonne année! The new year kicks off with the US premieres of 27 new Euro TV series, seasons, specials, and films from 7 countries, plus more besides.
A bumper crop of Euro TV premieres in the US — including 29 new series, seasons, specials, and films from twelve countries — closes out this eventful year.
In a deal with distributor Cineflix Rights, streaming service Topic has picked up an Icelandic and a Russian TV series, plus a French Canadian one, for the US and Canada.
Twenty-seven new Euro TV series, seasons, and films from twelve countries premiere in the US in October, plus two shows from two more countries have their linear TV debuts.
Tubi, the global advertising-supported video-on-demand-service, currently has three dozen Euro TV shows that you can binge-watch free of charge in the States.
The trio of Russian female amateur sleuths is back, and this time they’re trying to solve a murder and a burglary, and to prove a man’s innocence.
Nineteen new Euro TV shows, seasons, and movies premiere in the US in April, along with four series making their linear TV debuts and another being added to a streaming service.