The Sixth Commandment isn’t the only one of the Ten that gets broken in Thou Shalt Not Kill, the engrossing crime drama series from Italy that premiered in the US yesterday.
Euro TV to Watch: Dark, Riveting Italian Crime Drama “Thou Shalt Not Kill”

The Sixth Commandment isn’t the only one of the Ten that gets broken in Thou Shalt Not Kill, the engrossing crime drama series from Italy that premiered in the US yesterday.
It’s dark. It’s disturbing. And it’s binge-worthy. It is The Method, a Russian crime drama and psychological thriller reminiscent of Dexter.
Clear your viewing calendar for the latest Nordic noir crime drama series to arrive on this side of the fjords: Rebecka Martinsson, which premiered in the US this morning.
The wait for Season 2 of Call My Agent!, which premiered yesterday in the US and UK, was so worth it. Now begins the wait for Season 3 to arrive.
Oh, how fitting! Eleven new Euro TV program premieres in the US for the eleventh month of the year. (I wonder if this means anything significant in numerology.)
¿Cómo se dice “I’m hooked” en español? Lifeline is so good, I’m doing the unthinkable: waiting to start the new season of Stranger Things until I finish this Spanish thriller.
This October we have one Friday the 13th, an untold number of Oktoberfest celebrations and Halloween parties, and seventeen (17!) premieres of new and returning series.
Oh, the stuff that happens in a small lakeside town. It’s enough to make you binge-watch the entire season of Vanished by the Lake in one sitting like I did.
The most expensive drama series ever produced in Denmark, about the bloodiest war Danes ever fought, arrives in the US tomorrow. It is 1864, and it is not to be missed.
Today starts the unofficial end-of-summer weekend in the US, so whether you’re spending it poolside, oceanside, or inside, check out what’s new in Euro TV this month.
TGIF, am I right? And for your viewing pleasure this weekend, I recommend Cover Story, a crime thriller from Iceland set in the world of tabloid journalism.
The eponymous character in Professor T has some serious issues, but still. He’s brilliant at figuring out criminals and crimes and he’s worth a watch.