July brings stateside Euro TV fans the premieres of eleven new and returning series, including the highly-anticipated new seasons of several titles.
Euro TV Premieres in July 2019: The Art of Crime, Money Heist, Trapped & More

July brings stateside Euro TV fans the premieres of eleven new and returning series, including the highly-anticipated new seasons of several titles.
There are fewer Euro TV premieres in the US in April than in previous months this year, but no matter because there are some exciting new and returning shows on the list!
Production has started on the brand new Norwegian Netflix Original series Home for Christmas, from Per-Olav Sørensen, the director of Nobel and the upcoming Quicksand.
The Euro TV production train keeps on rolling at Netflix, where nine new series are in various stages of production.
Yes, 2018 ended 5 weeks ago, but a few hundred new Euro TV programs and seasons premiered in the US last year, so it took a bit longer than usual to get through them.
Bonne année! 2019 brings several new and returning French series to telly in the US, plus the finale of a fun Dutch mystery and the premiere of a dark German comedy.