The 2016 Berlin International Film Festival plays host to the world premieres of select television series, including the Danish drama-comedy Splitting Up Together.

As more and more world-class television productions are bought and screened beyond the borders of the titles’ home countries, the organizers of certain international film festivals — namely Berlin, Toronto, and Göteborg — have included sidebars in their programs to focus on drama series.
This year’s 66th Berlinale features six TV dramas from Australia/New Zealand and Great Britain, Israel, the United States, and Denmark, whose drama-comedy Splitting Up Together (Bedre skilt end aldrig) has its world premiere on the 17th of February.

Splitting Up Together follows Line (Maria Rossing, The Protectors) and Martin (Peter Plaugborg, The Keeper of Lost Causes), a married couple who have it all — good jobs, wonderful children, great friends, a fabulous home, and a cat that poops inside the house.
Only their love has tired and their sex life is nonexistent. So Line decides she and Martin are getting a divorce before things get worse. Sounds simple, except it isn’t.
The banking crisis has taken its toll, and now the couple’s mortgage is underwater. They owe a million more kroner on their house than it’s worth, making it impossible to sell without their taking a bath on it.
So they decide to stay together until the market turns around. Since Line and Martin are still good friends, and neither wants to be without their children, they dive into this plan of looking on the bright side and having a happy divorce by splitting up together.

The eight-part series costars Stine Schrøder Jensen (Anna Pihl), Katrine Rosenthal (The Bridge), Esben Dalgaard Andersen (Bankerot), Anders Hove (The Killing), Hanne Uldal (Unit One), Kurt Ravn (Anna Pihl), and Mikael Birkkjær (Borgen).
A production of Happy Ending Film, Splitting Up Together reunited the trio of screenwriter Mette Heeno (Rita), director Hella Joof (Bankerot), and producer Mie Andreasen’s (Adam’s Apples), who were behind the Danish film All Inclusive.
Splitting Up Together premieres on Denmark’s TV2 on Monday, 7 March 2016.
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