May brings the premieres of 29 new Euro TV series, seasons, specials, and films from 11 countries to the US and beyond.
Euro TV Premieres in May 2024: Bäckström, Beck, Bellefond & More

May brings the premieres of 29 new Euro TV series, seasons, specials, and films from 11 countries to the US and beyond.
Yowzah! September brings 45 new Euro TV series, seasons, and films to the US, plus three titles debuting on linear TV and four returning/being added to streaming.
Set for its debut in North America, the first season of Swedish mystery series Bäckström is fabulous, and already I can’t wait for the second one to arrive.
April brings the US premieres of 32 new Euro TV series, seasons, and films from 14 countries, plus additional linear TV and streaming debuts, and more besides!
Acorn TV announced today the US and Canada premiere date for Swedish detective drama Bäckström.
AMC Networks has acquired the US, Canada, and UK streaming rights to Swedish mystery-crime drama series Bäckström for its Acorn TV streaming service.