May brings sixteen new and returning Euro TV series to the US, as well as two that are added to programming schedules. Let the bingeing begin!
Euro TV Premieres in May 2018: 100 Code, Arne Dahl, The Court, The Rain & More

May brings sixteen new and returning Euro TV series to the US, as well as two that are added to programming schedules. Let the bingeing begin!
TGIF. For more reasons than the weekend. Such as the Season 2 premieres of Swedish crime drama Arne Dahl and French supernatural drama The Returned in the UK.
BBC Four is bringing some of the most highly-anticipated new Euro TV series to the UK. (No worries, US viewers; chances are better than good that you’ll get these shows, too.)
MIPTV 2015 was a hotbed of deal-making activities, and today we look at the television programs out of the Nordic countries for which TV execs made announcements.
Fans of the Arne Dahl television series, it’s time to do a happy dance, because the Swedish hit is currently filming a new season and will return to telly in 2015.
Of the ten “Intercrime” novels written by Arne Dahl, five have been adapted into ten television episodes that make for fifteen hours of viewing. Intense, gripping viewing.