Netflix released today the trailer for Roosters, a new comedy series from the Netherlands. Check it out.

In Roosters (Haantjes), a Dutch remake of the Spanish comedy series Alpha Males, Mike, Ivo, Daan, and Greg are four forty-somethings who feel lost in the new world of empowered women. The show follows this tight-knit group of friends in the midst of their masculinity crisis, as they desperately try to salvage what’s left of their relationships and careers.
The series stars Jeroen Spitzenberger (Stanley) as Mike, Waldemar Torenstra (Amsterdam Vice) as Ivo, André Dongelmans (Dirty Lines) as Daan, and Benja Bruijning (Undercover) as Greg.
The cast also includes Jennifer Hoffman (Hein), Jelka van Houten (Amsterdam Vice), Eva Laurenssen (The Schouwendam 12), Fockeline Ouwerkerk (The Neighbors), and Frouke Verheijde (Broodje Aap).
Roosters, a Netflix Series, premieres globally on Friday, February 28, exclusively on Netflix. (You can set a reminder for it now.)
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