Netflix has set the global premiere date for Last Bullet, the third and final installment in the “Lost Bullet” action-crime thriller film trilogy. Check out the teaser.

The “Lost Bullet” franchise follows Lino (Alban Lenoir, The Wages of Fear, AKA), a criminal whose life gets turned around when he gets the opportunity to work for the police as a mechanic to soup up their cars to catch drug runners. But this doesn’t necessarily make his life better.
Following on from the events in Last Bullet and Last Bullet 2, both of which are currently available for streaming on Netflix, Last Bullet (Balle perdue 3) finds Lino embarking on a relentless quest to find and confront crooked cop Areski (Nicolas Duvauchelle, Blood Coast, Black Butterflies).
Last Bullet, a Netflix Film, premieres globally on Wednesday, May 7, exclusively on Netflix.
Costars include Pascale Arbillot (Standing Up), Stéfi Celma (Call My Agent!), Gérard Lanvin (Liaison), Diego Martín (Elite), and Anne Serra (Munch), amongst others.
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