All streaming, purchased downloads, and DVD titles are shown in Slovenian with English subtitles unless otherwise specified. (Please remember to TURN SUBTITLES ON if they aren’t hard-coded into the videos.) Authors whose books were adapted into series are noted where applicable. Also be aware that certain DVDs will require the use of a multi-region/region-free DVD player in order for them to be viewable in your country. (Note: Titles covered here are from Portugal only; they do not include shows from Brazil.)
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THE CASES OF INSPECTOR VRENKO (Primeri inspektorja Vrenka)
Genre: Mystery-crime drama
News/Reviews: US premieres: Season 1, Season 2
Where to Watch: US: MHz Choice, MHz Choice on Prime Channels
The Cases of Inspector Vrenko (US streaming link)
Genre: Mystery-crime drama
News/Reviews: US premiere
Where to Watch: US: MHz Choice, MHz Choice on Prime Channels
The Lake Trilogy (US streaming link)