It’s good to be the Queen. Or so they say. Beatrix, former Queen of the Netherlands, didn’t have it easy, accoutrements of royalty aside. And the true story of her life is the focus of Beatrix, Orange Under Fire, the
Crowns & Jewels: Riveting Drama About the Royal House of Orange in Dutch Miniseries
Scandals have rocked many a royal family, the Netherlands’ House of Orange included. And their intrigues are played out in two miniseries known collectively as Crowns & Jewels.
Exhbition On Screen: Girl with a Pearl Earring Set to Premiere in US Cinemas
Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring has its 350th birthday this year, so what better way to celebrate this incredible work of art than with the film, Exhibition On Screen: Girl with a Pearl Earring.