He’s back! The inimitable, eccentric criminology professor returns as Season 3 of Professor T debuts in the US today.

Your weekend Euro TV binge-watch has arrived: Season 3 of the quirky mystery-crime drama Professor T, which has been one of my favorite Euro TV series since it launched in the US in two years ago.
The new season picks up soon after that shocking Season 2 finale — with Jasper Teerlinck (Koen De Bouw, The Team, Salamander), a now-former criminal psychology professor at Antwerp University, in handcuffs and on his way to prison.
Being naive about prison and not being adaptive to life behind bars, Jasper has a rough go of it owing to his particular neuroses — a situation made worse when he becomes the target of a criminal he helped put behind bars.
What saves him is his ability to solve crimes.
Yes, even from prison, Jasper continues to assist Chief Inspector Paul Rabet (Herwig Ilegems, Grenslanders), Inspector John Van Humbeeck (Steve Geerts, The Score), and John’s new partner Inspector Saskia Vogels (Leen Roels, Code 37) in parsing evidence and identifying culprits.

The thread through the first two episodes concerns the murder of a man on a barge. Evidence points directly to the owner of a neighborhood grocery, who drug enforcement officials know as a cocaine smuggler. Of course the suspect denies any involvement, and after hearing about Jasper’s crime-solving skills, he makes a deal with Jasper, who then helps the police solve the mystery of not one but two homicides.
Meanwhile, faculty secretary Ingrid Sneyers (Goele Derick, Thuis) is the only visitor that Jasper agrees to see, and guilt-ridden Commissioner Christina Flamant (Tanja Oostvogels, Cordon) takes a leave of absence. And Jasper makes a new friend behind bars (Michael Vergauwen, Salamander).
As the season progresses, so too does Jasper’s case and trial. At the same time, both his mum Adelinde (Viviane De Muynck, Tabula Rasa) and university dean Walter De Paepe (Carry Goossens, Cordon) are concerned that he’ll discover something they want to keep hidden from him.
All thirteen episodes of Professor T: Season 3 are now available for streaming in the US, exclusively on the PBS Masterpiece channel on Amazon Video. Check it out!
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